Cleanpower Fuel Treatment and Fuel Injector Cleaner
From $55.00 incl. GST
- Cleans fuel injectors, fuel pumps & carburetors.
- Optimizes fuel efficiency & power.
- Reduces diesel smoke.
- Easy starting hot & cold.
- Smooth operation from idle to full RPM’s.
- 250ml Treats up to 1000L of Fuel.
- Concentrated formula for low treat cost
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- Frequently Asked Questions
Cleanpower is our remarkably effective fuel system and injector cleaner. Stored fuel lasts longer if treated with Cleanpower, due to its anti-oxidant capability.
Don’t replace injectors! Try Cleanpower first…most injectors just need a thorough clean!
Cleanpower is our remarkably effective fuel system and injector cleaner. Stored fuel lasts longer if treated with Cleanpower, due to its anti-oxidant capability.
- Smoke?
- Power Loss?
- Hard Starting?
- Rough Idle?
- Poor fuel economy?
Suitable for both PETROL & DIESEL engines, it quickly removes the most stubborn fouling deposits.
- Cleans fuel injectors, fuel pumps & carburetors.
- Optimizes fuel efficiency & power.
- Reduces diesel smoke.
- Easy starting hot & cold.
- Smooth operation from idle to full RPM’s.
- 250ml Treats up to 1000L of Fuel.
SAVINGS HISTORY: Avoiding pump & injector costs from $400 to $5000
Cleanpower Fuel Treatment
Cleanpower is our remarkably effective fuel system and injector cleaner. Detergent based (rather than solvent), it is supplied in our upper cylinder oil base. It quickly removes fouling deposits, even stubborn ones that most “off the shelf” products won’t touch, which is why we think it is the best fuel injector product on the market!
It is particularly useful in combination with the FOC (see our special package deals).
But here’s the interesting bit, our fuel injector cleaner product ‘Cleanpower’ can be used to restore power, fuel efficiency and driving pleasure in all engines.
PETROL INJECTOR CLEANER – all fuel injected, carburetor, 4 stroke or 2 stroke.
The same product is also a
DIESEL INJECTOR CLEANER- all 2 stroke and 4 stroke diesels.
Now here’s a puzzle… How come so many people have their diesel pumps and injectors overhauled, and still have a smoke problem? Yet, then use Cleanpower and fix the problem. It happens so often, and we’re still not sure why. Perhaps dirty injectors leave a deposit pattern on the piston that doesn’t match the corrected spray patterns.
Cleanpower is a big seller for us and very popular with all users.
Treatment Ratio. Initial 1:2000 and thereafter 1:4000. 1L treats up to 4000L of petrol or diesel.
8 reviews for Cleanpower Fuel Treatment and Fuel Injector Cleaner
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Landcruiser 2H Diesel.
“The idle was so rough, the antenna just about shook itself stupid! I was told I needed new injectors, but after using Cleanpower, the antenna remains straight and steady at idle.”
Nissan Patrol 4.2 Diesel.
“My local Nissan dealer told me the injectors may need overhauling (@ $650). I tried Cleanpower. It was amazing! A hill where I would normally drop back to 3rd gear, I now get up in 5th. Fuel economy is better. It starts better, and puts out less smoke!”
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Case Studies
2005 Holden Rodeo diesel
2005 Rodeo diesel with 260,000kms. Owner Mark Stone (Bordertown, SA) described his Rodeo as a pig of a thing to start. It idled rough and fuel use was 13-14L/100km, struggling to achieve 400km from a tank of fuel. Then he started using Cleanpower Fuel Treatment…
It starts straight away now, idles smoothly and is a pleasure to drive! Fuel consumption is now 9-10L/100km, and he gets well over 500km per tankful. He’ll be keeping the Rodeo now, since it goes so well.
Discovery V8 Petrol
Just a testimonial to say how pleased I am with the Cleanpower ; it has absolutely transformed my car!
I use a 1996 Land Rover, Discovery 1 V8 as my everyday car, which I purchased with 82 000km on the clock and has now done 240 00km. It has never idled smoothly in the whole time I have owned it and in some cases it has stalled when not hunting up and down. I tried a new idle air control valve, which helped a little but after only half a tank of petrol with your additive in it, the idling woes have gone! In fact I thought the performance improved after only a couple of hours but I put that down to my imagination. Now; two weeks later, the engine has just got better and better; there is no longer an awful lag in acceleration when moving off from a cold start. Instead there is a crisp smoothness; even the popping in the exhaust during overrun has gone and the engine even sounds quieter. Standing outside the car listening to the change in the exhaust note is simply a joy, not to mention the super smooth engine up the front!
I will be buying more of your products if they prove to be as good as this one. Please feel free to use this testimonial on your webpage, which seems to be full of happy diesel owners,
Cheers Charlie Myres
Isuzu 3.9L diesel
The engine sat in a wreckers yard for a long time before it was fitted to a Range Rover. “When idled, it was so rough, it felt like it would shake the vehicle to bits. The wing mirrors shook so badly, that you couldn’t see anything with them at idle. After a 10 minute drive with Cleanpower, the roughness was gone. What a delightful transformation!”
Mitsubishi Truck
This truck does daily linehaul work between Rockhampton and Clerment. Fuel consumption improved from 270L to 240L per day. After 500,000km, the cylinder heads were removed. The condition internally was described as immaculate! Fuel filter service intervals were doubled on Cleanpower. For every 20L of Cleanpower used, the owner reports savings of $1400. This was a few years ago, so the savings would be much greater at today’s fuel prices.
Series 60 Detroit Diesel (475HP)
An extended fuel consumption study showed a 7.3% fuel saving on B-Double work between Brisbane and Rockhampton. The engine ran much cooler. The fan would normally cut in several times on the trip, but with Cleanpower, it only cuts in twice!
Landcruiser Diesel Ute
The injectors had been replaced, but the engine still smoked. On the first treatment with Cleanpower, the smoke reduced strongly, and the engine was more responsive with smoother idling. Fuel consumption on the regular Melbourne to Canberra run decreased from 12.4 to 11.6L/100km.
Pajero Diesel
After trying many other fuel additives, and replacing the injectors, it was still blowing black smoke. But after two treatments of Cleanpower, it was significantly reduced, with very smooth idle and much easier starting (hot and cold).
Landcruiser 2H Diesel
The idle was so rough, the antenna just about shook itself stupid! I was told I needed new injectors, but after using Cleanpower, the antenna remains straight and steady at idle.
Nissan Patrol 4.2 Diesel
My local Nissan dealer told me the injectors may need overhauling (@ $650). I tried Cleanpower. It was amazing! A hill where I would normally drop back to 3rd gear, I now get up in 5th. Fuel economy is better. It starts better, and puts out less smoke!
Injector and Fuel System Cleaner
Cleanpower Product Download
NO. Cleanpower is safe to run through all diesel and Petrol engines and will not void a new car warranty.
Cleanpower abides by all Australian fuel standards.
Yes, Cleanpower Fuel Additive is Australian-made.
Using Cleanpower will ultimately save you money. By improving fuel economy and avoiding the need to have your injectors replaced.
- Well-maintained injectors.
- Less injector rattle.
- In-spec injectors.
- Maintain fuel economy.
- Avoid injector and fuel pump problems.
1 Litre of Cleanpower will treat 4000 Ltr of diesel.
10ml to 40L.
Most vehicles will need at least 2 tanks treated with Cleanpower to achieve a positive result.
Cleanpower comes in an easy-to-use bottle, the fluid is added directly to the petrol or diesel tank.
Cleanpower is a concentrated fuel additive suitable for petrol and diesel engines:
- Protect new vehicle injectors.
- Restore out-of-spec injector spray patterns.
- Improve worn injector spray patterns.
- Avoid cylinder hot-spotting / detonation.
- Stop injector rattle.
Yes, we regularly ship to the USA.
Or visit your local USA distributor: MAXODYNE
Yes, we ship to Canada.
Visit the local Canadian distributor ENC Additives
John Chapman –
Good stuff
Brian Troughton –
A great, cost effective product to keep my diesel and Dualis in good condition. Just pop the required dose in each tank.
Justin Smedley –
Applied CleanPower to my LC 80 series TD 1HDFT.
-Massive improvement with off the line torque.
-Stronger power through the rev range.
-More enjoyable drive.
-Still has smoke at cold startup and idle but clears when at operating temperature.
Justin Smedley
Sean C –
Have used Cleanpower in all my vehicles for near 20 years. That includes various motorcycles.
Most recent bike to get the treatment is my Ducati ST4. Bought as a project to restore. It was no basket case, but needed some love.
Typically motorcycle fuel systems get little love. Many don’t have robust filtration.
Once the ST4 was back on the road, treated fuel with Cleanpower. After a few tanks, it was running so much better. Faster starts, hot and cold. Slight improvement in fuel economy.
My dealings with CEM have always been first class. Quick to respond to any questions and willing to help.
Thanks again.
Trevor pye –
I trying this product fixed tank full of deisel 80ltrs added 20 mill to tank before filling I’m coverton this is what I need to boot my engine capacity by doing what the product said it would do.
Matthew Waldron –
It’s 5 stars
Great product – adding to my partners Toyota 86 petrol / manual every fill and fuel economy improved and seems smoother to idle
Lindsay Wassell –
This is a great product. I have been using this product in my 120 series Prado and Yamaha 40 hp four stroke outboard for a number of years. Smooth idle and easy starting. Improved fuel economy and precious little diesel smoke after 245,000k. I would thoroughly recommend it to anybody. Great stuff.
Robert Cavanagh –
Was told the smoke from my 200 series was due to leaking injectors and they were about to burn a hole in the pistons. One dose of Cleanpower and now zero smoke! I also cleaned the mass air flow sensor and put in the “new” Ryco air filter, so not sure if the increased power was from the Cleanpower or not, but it did what I was hoping and saved me a few grand that I obviously didn’t need to spend! Very happy.